Part 135: Low-Level Run - Chapter 17

Last time we defeated two important foes: Shinra, experience gain.

Disc 3 is a wonderful time to be low level because nothing will ever force you to gain levels ever again. The final levels for the cast are 7, 27, 29, 29, 29, 30, 31. The average is...
The 30 and 31 break normal LLG convention, that no one goes above 29, but with Taft staying level 7 something had to break somewhere. I'll probably take her with me to the final battles to make up for it.

"I couldn't understand a word they were saying and everyone gazed a their shoes."

Bone Village! Now that we're in Disc 3 we can get some goodies for... some reason!


Considering I can casually grab the Venus Gospel this is mildly outdated.

Ok there we go.

I use it to make massive amounts of restoratives in seconds instead of minutes. My justification is that if I steal one more Ether I'll puke blood.

Enemy Skill #4. It's missed the chances the other 3 had to get spells so it'll get to be sad & alone.

Anyway I sell 98 ethers. If I sold all 99 I'd have to steal one more and puke blood.

Then I dupe the guy's greens so I can get the Hella Money.

With this I buy more stables so I can finally put those chocobos I caught way back when Cloud was in a wheelchair talking about malfunded gnostic giant robots to use.

And I shove large numbers of my ill-obtained vegetables down the throats of my serially-named birds.

Finally I no longer need to save money!!

Theoretically I could get all those Hero Drinks and Megalixirs from Chocobo Racing. In practice who the fuck wants to do that??

So the competition isn't a big deal around here.

Mostly because my birds can run for weeks straight.

I take GP from the early races then I never use it for anything iirc.

My goal with the first two is just Rank B.

Don't really need to get these guys to S to have chromababies.


Heh. Heh.

Then I make him a superbird.

After a hojillion resets I get a green chocobo the opposite sex of the blue one.

The chocoplan is actually really fucked up, if you can't tell.

Goodbye GoodM1 your son and daughter will continue your bloodline.

She needs to become strongth too, so that the end result can win races.

Not much faster, but daaamn her stamina capped.

It takes 10 battles for chocobos to get over the rigor of childbirth and for children to become adults. This counts running away, so between every step CLOUD and friends get scared of elephants.

I'm glad getting the blue and green birds right is the only really random part of this, though the last two birds can still end up not hued properly.

Getting to supergod master race levels helps though.

And thank fuck all these nuts are steals so I never have to gain EXP to get the higher level birds.

And hence, Nugget, the pinnacle of birds.

Nugget is capable of traversing the oceans. Heh, that's showing up that punk Jesus, who could only walk on seas.

In fact she can walk on all terrain except for Sephiroth-based craters.

And I guess this too.

Well this can't hurt either.

Knights of the Round costs so much Yuckerella can barely cast it.

Well I can fix that since I'm rich now.

Furthermore, Nugget is superavian at racing. Let's skip to the part where I get mad at drops.

Fuck! The single thing I want here is Sneak Attack.

damn this is technically how I'd get my high-end restoratives and afford a lot of shit so I just cut the middleman (the middleman being many, many, many more races).

TEIOH is rough but his AI is dumb and you can get a large enough lead that his massive speed doesn't close the gap.


Name: Precious Watch
Slots: O O O O O O O O Growth: Normal
Def: - Df%: -
MDf: - MD%: -
Special Notes: N/A

Auto-haste. Auto-meh.

Might be useful if you could pair it with Restore and pair that with All and have that work.

Are the watches really that precious if I have like 5 of them now?

Fuck, finally.

All this will do is just be paired with Escape anyway to make travelling a little faster and safer.

If you let the train blow up North Corel like I did, you can still get Ultima but you have to pay "a lot" of money for it.
Money is never a huge deal in FF7 though.

While weaker than KoTR, it costs less MP and is less abjectly bullshit for me to cast all the time.

Anyway I'm pretty much done with the overworld at this point! NEXT TIME: gaining levels.